Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting The Malware Guardian!

We value your privacy and want to assure you that we do not collect any data unless you reach out to us. Here's what you can expect from your interaction with us:
  1. No Data Collection: We do not collect any personal information or data unless you voluntarily contact us through our provided contact methods. We also do not share, sell, or transfer your information to third parties.
  2. No Usage Tracking: We do not use cookies or other tracking technologies to monitor your browsing behavior on our website, and we do not employ third-party services for analytics or advertising.
  3. Contact Information: If you choose to get in touch with us via email, contact forms, or other means, we will only use the information you provide to respond to your inquiry or message.
  4. Data Retention: We retain your contact information only for as long as necessary to address your inquiry. Once our communication is complete, we will securely dispose of your data.
  5. Data Security: We take data security seriously and have measures in place to protect any information you choose to share with us.
  6. Policy Changes: This privacy policy may be subject to updates in the future, and any changes will be reflected on this page.

Last Updated: 25/01/2024